To check if the file signed now, right click on MultiKey.sys, Properties and the second tab (there should be Digital signatures).
You should start it, Enable 'Test Mode', then Sign a system file and insert the name and full path to your MultiKey.sys from the folder MultiKey64 (please see step 5).
Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider 1.3b which allows you to install and load unsigned drivers dynamically on your Windows 7. (due to instructions from the downloaded package)
Then merge 57FD245C.reg with the registry, by double click on the file and it will ask if you want to add, click yes. Run Wilcom ES Service Pack4 Revision 2 file until finish installation then the computer will reboot automatically or you do reboot manually. After the installation is complete, the setup window will display the message "PC must reboot", after you click "Finish" button the computer will reboot automatically.
Install the HASP driver v5.22 in HASP4_driver directory due to instructions from the downloaded package.